
Kimchi, this sweet and sour flavor food will amaze your winter.温暖一冬的酸甜回味——辣白菜

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작성자 관리자 (61.♡.222.236) 댓글 0건 조회 300회 작성일 17-12-30 13:08


After the frost, it’s cloudy outside, the smog surrounds us and will not disperse!  But the cold weather makes vegetables taste a lot better, so I cut up some cabbage to make kimchi.Kimchi is the traditional food from Yanbian Korean, every family makes it in a different way. For me, I stewed kimchi with some dried meat. In a sour and spicy soup with the smell from the meat, it warms up my whole winter.冰霜后下起了云雾。轻纱缭绕,一整天都不会散!那些经历了霜雾的白菜格外清甜,照旧砍了些做成辣白菜。辣白菜是延边朝鲜族的传统食物,在当地也是各家有各家的做法。在我这儿,大冷天里切上几块腊肉就着辣白菜咕嘟咕嘟一锅炖了,酸酸辣辣的伴着肉香,就能温暖整个冬


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