Track and Play by Accessori Originali Automobili Lamborghini > Lamborghini YouTube

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Lamborghini YouTube

Track and Play by Accessori Originali Automobili Lamborghini

작성일 15-05-30 01:06


Accessori Originali Automobili Lamborghini presents the “Track and Play” preview at the Imola circuit. "Track and Play" consists of a control unit, which is mounted on the vehicle, and a mobile device app (on iOS and Android). You can record the performance on track using the camera of the device, the GPS connection and the telemetry information from your Lamborghini.
The experience is totally customizable: in addition to the significant ammount of pre-loaded circuits, you can record and save any location and route where you want to challenge yourselves.

The Accessory Track and Play will be launched by the end of 2015. Stay tuned on


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