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30 Car Cleaning Tricks Local Dealers Don't Want You to Know

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작성자 관리자 (222.♡.190.43) 댓글 0건 조회 38회 작성일 19-05-08 07:00


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Local dealers want you to bring your car to them to have it detailed. This is why they keep most of their detailing tips under wraps. Below are 30 car cleaning tricks local dealers don't want you to know.

Vaseline is great for cleaning your dashboard. Not only will it shine up the dashboard, but it will also repel dust and stains.

The vents in your car can be challenging to clean with a cloth. Instead, use a paint brush to get into the vents easily.

You can buy expensive products to shine your headlights; however, toothpaste works better. Just let it sit on the headlights for a few minutes and wipe it with a cloth. You will be amazed.

To clean your leather seat, you should use olive oil. First, wash the seat with soap. Next, pour some olive oil on a cloth and rub the seats down. This will shine up the seats.

Hair conditioner works better than car wax. If you apply it generously the way that you do with wax, it will give your car a much brighter shine.

It can be tough to get the tiny crevices on the doors and the dashboard clean. The bristles on a toothbrush will allow you to get into very narrow and small spaces.

Many people throw their trash on the floor promising to clean it up later. Instead, hang a decorative reusable grocery bag from the back of your seat. You will never have a messy car again.

If you are driving and a rock hits your windshield, it can quickly grow into a large crack. To keep this from happening, you should carry a bottle of clear nail polish in your car. You can brush it over the chip until you can have the windshield repaired by a professional. This will keep the chip from growing.

Certain part of the car can be challenging to clean. If you use slime that children play with, it will pick up all of the dust and dirt with ease.

If you don't have any car wash solution, you can make your own. Simply mix ¼ part liquid detergent and ¼ part baking soda in a bucket of water. It works better than the car wash solution that you buy in the store.

When it is time to put a new registration sticker on, you need to get your old one off. The easiest way to do this is with an old newspaper. Simply soak the newspaper in water and put it over the sticker. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes. When you remove the newspaper, the sticker will come off quickly.

If your pet travels with you often and sheds in the car, it can easily be removed. Simply spray the seats with water and use a squeegee to remove the fur.

It isn't too difficult to clean your car mats. Mix some liquid detergent with a cup of water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on the mats and let it sit for a while. When you rinse the mats, the dirt will come right off.

If there are foul smells in your car, charcoal will work great. If you open up a bag of charcoal and put it under the seats, the odors will be removed. You can also sprinkle some charcoal under the seats.

If you buy a used car with bumper stickers that you hate, WD 40 spray will take them right off. Simply spray it over the sticker and let it sit for a few minutes before removing the sticker.

If you have sticky messes on your car interior, a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser will get them out with ease. You just need to wet the sponge a bit, and strenuous arm work won't be necessary.

If you don't want to use chemicals and artificial odors in your car to make it smell great, use essential oils. Simply soak a clothespin in the oil overnight and clip it to your vent. Your car will smell amazing, naturally.

If you just washed your car and there are spots of stubborn grim remaining, a bar of clay will work great. When the car is still wet, put the clay over the grime. After letting it sit for a while, the stubborn grime will be gone.

If you have rusty spots on your car, Coca-Cola will remove it quickly. Simply spray the soda on the rust and let it sit for a bit. When you scrub the soda off, the rust will come off as well.

Regardless of how neat you are, your cupholders can get dirty. Cleaning them can be a hassle, but fortunately, there is a solution to this problem. Put cupcake papers in the cupholder, and you would just need to replace them when they get dirty.

Vodka can be used to clean the windshield. Mix eight parts Castile soap and one part vodka and clean the windshield. You will be amazed.

If essential oils and charcoal aren't getting the nasty smell from your car, try changing the filters. If you change them every month, your car should smell fresh.

If someone spills something on your car's upholstery, don't use a rag or a towel. Instead, use a diaper. Diapers have incredible absorbing powers, which will quickly clean up spills.

If you have done everything to remove grease or tar stains from your car, you should use motor oil. It actually works as a solvent. After removing the stain, be sure to wipe off the excess oil.


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