Faraday Future

Bridge Dialogue | Faraday Future is the Bridge to the Auto Industry | FFIE

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작성자 관리자 (40.♡.167.9) 댓글 0건 조회 154회 작성일 24-08-30 13:37


As one of the most influential Asian American car enthusiast in North America, activist, philanthropist, and founder of the Purist Group, Sean Lee has spent the past few months in China experiencing Chinese automobiles, and has been invited to be an advisor to FF's “US-China Automotive Bridge Strategy”.

During Monterey Car Week, Sean and Max Ma, FF's Head of Product and Strategy, had a conversation about the US and China automotive industries, and how can FF build the bridge to connect the two. More exciting discussions to come.

#FaradayFuture #FFIE #US #China


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